On classifying people – II/II

You did read my earlier take on things, didn’t you?

Now: I’m writing this on a many-hour-long flight to LA. I can’t believe that the sight of Crayola lazing there, half-asleep, half-dressed on my bed watching over my rushed packing made me reconsider leaving for this trip in the first place. Even though I waited until she was nearly asleep, kissing her tired, saddened eyes and forehead before I hurried out the door was so much harder than I imagined it would be—for I knew it was the last time I would be with her until Friday.

Oh, but I digress. What of our topic of the day?

She’s as complimentary to me as complimentary can be, and being with her these past few weeks has opened my eyes to a simple truth I’d conveniently ignored earlier—people aren’t uni-faceted, they’re multi-dimensional. Earlier, I claimed that some people are “cooler than you,” and “you’re cooler than” everyone else, but it turns out that things are a lot more complicated than that.

In actuality, once you begin to look into these aspects, your “finest attributes” or “core strengths” are so different from the next person, it’s not about who’s more cool or who’s less cool, but about who’s more cool or who’s less cool, in what context; if you can find common criteria to gauge this in the first place. More often than not, there is very little to compare yourselves with, and when you do, you’ll realise that the two of you are better in different regards; there is no clear “winner.”

Actually, I have to say that there is no clear loser, for you both have realised that it is better to be together and make each other very happy than to compare stats.

Crayola, for instance, is hotter than I am (as in, well out of my league), more creative and talented than I am, more graceful and sophisticated than I am, more expressive than I am, is a woman, leads a far more exciting life than I do, … but still fancies me because I have my own pluses.

What are they? I don’t know, you must ask her.

But the point is, rather than thinking of people as “too cool for you” and sitting alone, or thinking of yourself as “too cool for them” and sitting alone, all you need to do is to realise that people are different. Appreciate and learn from their complimentary characteristics; which is important if you plan to grow and evolve as a human being.

Or get laid.