I just realised that balance sheets, derivative securities and other esoteric commercial things are actually interesting objects.
Tag: mu
Nearly all my day was spent on chores. Bah, who am I kidding? All my day was spent on chores.
When in the U.S., I was never asked once (at 7:45 PM no less) if I was "working late for the day." This place is so much fun.
I ordered me one of them (ridiculously) shiny new Apple MacBook Pros; 2.8GHz dual core, 4GB memory, 320GB hard disk.
I have that sick feeling one gets the evening before taking a test they aren’t prepared for. Amn’t I too old for that?
People think that if they casually throw around words like "expert," they can get you to opine on and do things you otherwise wouldn’t.
You know you’ve become really old when you only remember its your own birthday after someone else wishes you.
I’ve started talking to myself again. (Full-blown conversations actually.) That can’t be a good sign.
The independent kid leaves the pack to go off exploring on his own… only to get eaten by a bear.
If I could be anything, I’d be a gentleman of leisure; which is probably British for unemployed.
The brand of mouthwash they sell around here (not Listerine) doesn’t burn my mouth every time I use it. I don’t think it’s working properly.
I just returned from a delightful outdoor-activity-filled evening out. It ended with being served reindeer meat for dinner. Outré
After an entire night of poking, probing and (controlled) dropping, my computer boots again. Now it’s time to restore all my data. Yuck.
My mac (which failed quite spectacularly today) made sure I backed up regularly; saving me from losing the data it tried to eat. Huh, what?
Why yes, my cellphone does have one of those clock thingies built into it.