The people behind seem to think that writing many how-to documents is a substitute for good user interface design.

My first impulse when faced with change is always fear. Never excitement.

I just sorted out my papers to travel to the U.K. I believe I’m going to be spending the next months at Cambridge thinking about some stuff.

It’s officially nippy. So say my nips.

I think the reason women spend so much time selecting shoes is that they’re wired to check each other out. They fail to see men don’t care.

Base access, Python style: _teehee_stop_it_(self, you), __no_really_stop__(self, you), ___im_calling_the_cops___(self)

Is today Sunday or Monday? Why can I not figure this out?

Today, I saw a woman with a cigarette in one hand and an inhaler in the other.

I got a raise today. I don’t know why, but I did!

Do any of you know of a socialist, democratic, developed, English-speaking country?

Arsenic is edible. Once.

Yes, fascism, communism, and socialism are totally interchangeable… if you don’t know what those words mean.

I went to see “Inglorious Basterds” yesterday. I guess expecting Quentin Tarantino to make a good movie is just asking for too much.

Henceforth, I shall start referring to them as the inexpensive made-in-China mugs.

I just dropped one of those cheap made-in-China coffee mugs from a height of six feet, and it landed on my hard floor with nary a scratch.