You’d assume that large research institutes won’t be bothered by a few bolts of lightning hitting power lines.
You assume wrong.
(*#$%(#* @_+@# CONNECTION INTERRUPTED $(@Y($@)(@)))) )@)$
emphatically static
You’d assume that large research institutes won’t be bothered by a few bolts of lightning hitting power lines.
You assume wrong.
(*#$%(#* @_+@# CONNECTION INTERRUPTED $(@Y($@)(@)))) )@)$
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Welcome to the real world, once again :P
Yes, rude shocks like this do bring you down from the clouds. Then again, all of this ‘happy protective bubble’ is only at the uni. Back home it isn’t all that great. Power goes for a few minutes every few weeks, and it does fluctuate quite often.
I’ve lost a couple of TVs and countless bulbs in two years. That’s not even something I’d experienced in Madras.
Real enough I’d say.