Honest. Just trying out life a little. This will have to do for now. Don’t let the fake half a smile fool ye. And no, the whitish glare in the general vicinity above my head has nothing to do with a halo.

NP. Lenny Kravitz – 5
emphatically static
Honest. Just trying out life a little. This will have to do for now. Don’t let the fake half a smile fool ye. And no, the whitish glare in the general vicinity above my head has nothing to do with a halo.
NP. Lenny Kravitz – 5
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Dude you got to give me like few minutes. I post, then I mod it for like 5 minutes. Enough with this “I get the feed, therefore I know instantly” response time.
I thought you had a haircut recently . :o
as always, WOW!
its not freaky ..but spooky and pukey !!
am running to the bathroom …
dude u r better off photographin nature
Adi: Yes, this is after the “haircut”. I did mention there was very little cutting in all the time I spent there.
Pramila: Umm, thanks. But this is only for a little bit. After that I’ll be peacefully bald and no more many brush strokes taking up small chunks of my day.
So I play now when I can.
chakra: I hope you’re feeling better now.
I will put up some sort of warning next time I deviate from nature shots.