Oh the horror

You and I know that I have a penchant for dropping expensive electronics. But usually (always?), it’s something I own so it isn’t a problem. Broke a 3000$ sensor? Pfft, no biggie, it’s mines and I’ll breaks it if I wants to.

A short while ago, we ordered these workstations for the lab. They were these ultrasnazzy multi-core Xeon many-GHz processor things with oodles of RAM.

It is clear where I’m going with this story. So there isn’t much point continuing.

Update: But hey, at least we don’t have to worry about any woman who witnessed the sequence of events harbouring any hopes of being whisked away in my arms into the sunset; not without carefully weighing the possibility of a broken rib or seven, anyway.

4 thoughts on “Oh the horror”

  1. Oh boy, is that you, saying “it’s mines and I’ll breaks it if I wants to” ???

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