Six more invites to spare today

gmail’s gone nuts. I’ve been getting like 3/6 invites to give away each day for the past few days, and it’s annoying. You begin to realize you don’t even know so many people.

Thank you, gmail, for reminding me in YET ANOTHER way I ought to know more people by now. You know, considering so many years of existence on this planet and all.

Update: Make that two invites to spare.

7 thoughts on “Six more invites to spare today”

  1. That’s the weird part. It’s apparently so easy to give away (and hence receive) an invite and yet you have people willing to pay (and do a lot more) for one.

  2. I’ve known of its existence for a while and even tried rather hard to find something I like. It’s just, all the cute offers get snapped up in a bit, and the ones that remain are “eternal gratitude”.

    I don’t want eternal gratitude (or money), I want that home made pie damn it.

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