A sweet dash of lavender and a hint of fresh lemon—it’s a fragrance I can never forget.
When I was a wee lad, a distant relative of my mom, at least I think she was, stayed at our home when she was visiting our country; I think for the first time. Being the dutiful son that I was—besides being bribed and otherwise coerced—I gave up my room so she could use it. I don’t remember her name, nor her face or her form, but I can’t ever forget the wonderful aroma that was always about her. I remember my room smelling and feeling feminine for days after she’d left. I remember wishing for more as it started to fade; that magically she would show up from time to time so that my room would never lose that feeling.
That was over fifteen years ago.
Earlier today, as I was catching up on some reading in a park, the whiff of a woman tanning beside brought back those wonderful memories.
Oh, I do like lavender, I have a pillow filled with it in my bedroom, and a scented candle on my nightstand.
I thought someone was supposed to be avoiding the internets for fear of spoilers? What if I were the types who read (or saw, if it’s a new movie and not book that’s now out?) Harry Potter? The potential horror!
I am somehow reminded of…
“Chandan sa badan, Chanchal chitwan..
Dheere se tera yeh, muskanaa”
Which, translated to a bearable language, would be?
So you don’t get Hindi, pundit ji? :-)
Roughly translated in English, the verse means:
“Your body that smells of sandalwood, the naughty surroundings around us,
And your restrained/slow smile,
people! don’t hold me guilty for it, if i go crazy for her”
The last line, written by Mukul, in Hindi stands as..
“Mujhe dosh na dena jagwaloon,
Ho jaaon agar mein deewana”
Mukul: No, I do not.
You’re not into Harry Potter, remember? :P
I have naught to fear from you.